Auf das Leben! (To Life!)
The former cabaret singer Ruth (Hannelore Elsner), an 84-year-old sarcastic and yet very warmhearted woman is right in the middle of life despite her traumatic childhood experiences. Only the forced eviction of their apartment and their musical instrument workshop as well as the associated move to a home for the elderly make them lose their desire for life. 29-year-old Jonas (Max Riemelt), who is fighting the first signs of a serious illness. Knowing the hopelessness of his situation, he tries to distract himself by an excessive way of life. In order to make ends meet financially, Jonas works as a furniture packer. That’s how he meets Ruth. From the fleeting encounter soon develops a deep connection. As big as the difference in age, as different as their life experiences and as individual as the serious blows of fate are – the desire to help the other person on his feet is so tremendously strong that Ruth and Jonas do not shy away from unusual measures.