Lauf um Dein Leben – Vom Junkie zum Ironman
Andreas Niedrig (Max Riemelt) is a junkie and a thief. Always looking for the next shot. Always trying to hide his addiction from his wife Sabine (Jasmin Schwiers), his little daughter and his parents (Leslie Malton, Udo Schenk) until one day everything gets out of control. His wife finds him in the bathroom with a shot in his arm. She’s leaving him. Neglected and heavily indebted to the drug mafia, Andreas and his friends Kurt (Axel Stein), Motte (Robert Gwisdek) and Ismail (Ismail Deniz) land on the street, lose all hope and want to kill themselves. But fate wants it differently: He runs into a tree – and survives! A roller coaster ride begins when the painful withdrawal cure remains unsuccessful. Only a forest run with his father brings the key experience that changes Andreas‘ further life forever. His new drug is called adrenaline. His trainer Oscar (Uwe Ochsenknecht) accompanies him on the long journey from junkie to ironman. Andreas Niedrig finds himself and finally becomes the best newcomer at the Ironman in Hawaii, the world’s toughest triathlon.