Filmszene aus dem Film Nachtasyl


15. Januar 2025

A primitive dormitory. At the very bottom of the bottom of society, at some time, in some country and perhaps not so far away from the here and now, the inhabitants are fighting a fierce struggle for survival in a very confined space. No one has work, no one has a future and the rent that the landlords Walli (Esther Schweins) and Michael (Wolfgang Maria Bauer) are willing to pay them is far from covering them all. Only a few like the prostituting Aljoscha (Max Riemelt) are still trying to escape their misery. Others like the actor (Uwe Karpa) have long since lost their minds, flee like Nadja (Clelia Sarto) into absurd daydreams or like Pepe (Aleksandar Jovanovic) into booze. Regardless of everyone, even her own husband, Anna (Eva Herzig) dies in the same room. Feelings are atrophied. The apparent balance only begins to waver when Luka (Hans-Peter Hallwachs) arrives at the night asylum. The residents cannot escape his direct questions and his ability to analyse the situation. Their escape into illusion is blocked. They are forced to seek their inner, true self in the hope of finding something they have long believed lost: the ability to live and love.