Archive: Produktionen

Szenenbild aus der Folge MDR um 4
24. Januar 2025

MDR um 4 | Guests for coffee

Broadcast from 15.12.2022 He has been in front of the camera for 25 years. The fact that he doesn’t look much older is not just because he started very early. He talked about the beginnings and later projects in the studio on Wednesday. Link:…

Filmszene aus dem Film Napola

Interview Web-Radio Plauen

On December 10, 2005, presenter Thomas Tröger spoke to actor Max Riemelt on web radio Plauen about his film Napola – Elite for the Leader. In the film, which tells the story of a boy who enters an elite National Socialist school, Riemelt embodies…

23. Januar 2025

Spielplatz – der Schauspielpodcast

18.03.2022 | S13, F6 | 1 Hour 3 Minutes In the last two decades, Max Riemelt has been one of the most present and influential actors in the German film and television industry. We talk to him about his path to acting, why he…

Darsteller Max Riemelt und Natalia Rudziewicz stehen Hand in Hand nebeneinander
15. Januar 2025

About Luis

Constanze Brandt and Jens Brandt are a team, a couple, parents—and above all, they are both employed, trying to juggle the demands of work and family life. Between late-night taxi shifts and weekend office hours, they barely manage to hold their lives together, often…

Filmplakat Zwei zu Eins

Zwei zu eins

Maren (Sandra Hüller), Robert (Max Riemelt) and Volker (Ronald Zehrfeld), who have known and loved each other since childhood, find the GDR’s millions, which have been stored there to rot, by chance in an old mine shaft. Halberstadt in the summer of 1990: Maren…

Filmplakat Schlafende Hunde

Sleeping Dogs – Season 1

Mike Atlas, a fallen top cop, and Jule Andergast, an aspiring young prosecutor, open a closed murder file for different motives – and with it Pandora’s box. Both get on the bloody trail of a conspiracy that seems to lead deeper and deeper into…

Filmszene aus dem Film Ein Taxi zur Bescherung

Ein Taxi zur Bescherung

Cab driver Axel wanted to call it a day, but he takes the „fat ride“ from Hamburg to Thuringia that cool, blind Jan wants on the day before Christmas Eve of all days. No one’s home anyway, he tells himself. Of course, he doesn’t…

Darsteller in der Filmbekleidung des Spielfilms Bonn

Bonn – Alte Freunde, neue Feinde

Bonn, 1954: the former German capital in the middle of the Cold War. This is where 20-year-old Toni Schmidt (Mercedes Müller) returns after a language study trip to London. Her family enjoys the new prosperity between refrigerator and television set at the time of…

Filmplakat Ivie wie Ivie

Precious Ivie

The Afro-German Ivie, called „Schoko“ by her friends, lives with her best friend Anne in Leipzig (Germany) and works temporarily in the solarium of her ex-boyfriend Ingo while she is still looking for a permanent job as a teacher. Suddenly her half-sister Naomi, unknown…

Filmszene aus dem Film Matrix Resurrections

Matrix Resurrections

In San Francisco, video game creator Thomas A. Anderson lives his life, but can’t shake the suspicion that something is wrong. Slowly he begins to doubt his own sanity, something even the pills he swallows every day can’t change. A woman he meets looks…

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