Archive: Produktionen

Filmszene aus dem Film Wir sind die Nacht
15. Januar 2025

Wir sind die Nacht (We Are The Night)

20-year-old Lena (Karoline Herfurth) from Berlin keeps her afloat by petty thefts. During her nocturnal raid through an illegal club she meets the centuries-old Louise (Nina Hoss). The sophisticated appearance is the owner of the club and at the same time the leader of…

Filmszene aus dem Film Urban Explorer

Urban Explorer

A weekend subway shafts and sewers? A few young tourists (Nathalie Kelley, Nick Eversmann, Brenda Koo, Catherine de Léan) want to explore the hidden world of Berlin’s underground. The city guide of a different kind (Max Riemelt) promises them a not quite legal journey…

Filmszene aus dem Film Der Staatsanwalt

Der Staatsanwalt – Kameradenschwein

Public prosecutor Bernd Reuther (Rainer Hunold) is conducting a trial against Tilo Kruse (Juergen Rißmann), a well-known thug who has once again beaten a man in hospital, and is about to win the case. Kruse’s victim Möhring (Michael Birnbaum) and the police officer Ralf…

Filmszene aus dem Film Im Angesicht des Verbrechens

Im Angesicht des Verbrechens (In The Face of Crime)

Marek Gorsky (Max Riemelt, Lukas Riemelt), son of Russian-Jewish immigrants, is a police officer in section 6 of the Berlin police force. When he and his friend and colleague Sven Lottner (Ronald Zehrfeld) were asked by the LKA to investigate organised crime, the trauma…

Filmszene aus dem Film 13 Semester

13 Semester

From the province to freedom: the place to study business mathematics leads the two friends Momo (Max Riemelt) and Dirk (Robert Gwisdek) from Brandenburg to the Technical University in Darmstadt and thus right into student life. While Dirk accelerates in the fast lane and…

Filmszene aus dem Film Die Welle

Die Welle (The Wave)

„So you think that a dictatorship is no longer possible in Germany today“, Rainer Wenger (Jürgen Vogel) tries to lure his students out of the reserve. He senses that he cannot convey the topic of „autocracy“ with frontal instruction and uses the project week…

Filmszene aus dem Film Tausend Ozeane

Tausend Ozeane

24-year-old Meikel Willer (Max Riemelt) suffers under his caring but ambitious father (Thierry van Werveke). When he is appointed junior boss of the family-owned car dealership, Meikel flees his family obligations. Together with his friend Bjoern (Maximilian Simonischek) he sets off for the Maldives….

Filmszene aus dem Film Nicht von diesem Stern

Nicht von diesem Stern

Arnold (Max Riemelt) believes from childhood that he is an alien. Day in and day out, he tries to build a flying machine that will finally take him „home“. Protected by his mother Ida (Katja Riemann) and her long-time admirer, the country doctor Emil…

Filmplakat Lauf um Dein Leben

Lauf um Dein Leben – Vom Junkie zum Ironman

Andreas Niedrig (Max Riemelt) is a junkie and a thief. Always looking for the next shot. Always trying to hide his addiction from his wife Sabine (Jasmin Schwiers), his little daughter and his parents (Leslie Malton, Udo Schenk) until one day everything gets out…

Filmszene aus dem Film Mörderischer Frieden

Mörderischer Frieden

Matlentan, a place in Kosovo shortly after the end of the war in 1999, is still being murdered and plundered, but under different circumstances: While Albanians were previously the victims and Serbs the perpetrators, it is now the other way round. The two young…

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